Well, over the past 24 hours I've done absolutely nothing! Really, though, I have made some headway on the London front. I rather stupidly booked a hotel reservation in London for a date that I can't even guarantee I'll show for. I had to quickly cancel; word's still out whether or not they'll charge me the 75 Pounds room rate for cancelling. I'm pretty angry with myself. On a different note, I've written to all the women I know in Europe to let them know I'm going to be there. I ho...
Well, here I begin. The week is half over and I've simply nothing to write at the moment. Therefore, I felt I would include the case of events where I have become the most excited person in the world! I am currently slated to leave for Germany on my R&R Leave! The chain of events leading up to this auspicious occassion started in November when the Department of Defense announced it would be allowing soldiers to take two weeks of leave within certain months during their tour of duty in Ira...
I started this weblog with the intention of letting everyone know what is going on over here. Sometimes it becomes apparent that the media isn't revealing the true situation here in Iraq. I look forward to presenting this from the standpoint of someone who supports his government, supports the war, and ultimately sees the long-term effects of a war in Iraq. Continuing the efforts to curb terrorism and create stability throughout the world. I am a Republican, I vote, and I believe in my co...